Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Iron Range Veterans Memorial Committee lays 102 memorial pavers
In anticipation of Veterans Day, 2009 and the impending ground freeze up plus snow, the IRVM Committee with Sjoberg Masonry installed another 102 memorial pavers at the IRVM park site in Virginia, Mn. near Bailey's lake. Pavers may be ordered by contacting the IRVM at Box 35, Virginia, Mn. 55792 and donations or inquiries are always welcome. The anticipated delivery of the 9 ton bronze sculpture "Shoulder to Shoulder" is spring 2010. Progress can be viewed at: The bronze table top version of the sculpture is currently part of a local display in the Lindbergh Terminal at the Mpls./St. Paul Airport in concourse C.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Northland Women’s Policy Forum
12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Mesabi Range College, Eveleth Campus
The Northland Women's Policy Forum is a gathering designed to bring together policy makers, community leaders, advocates, and all those interested learning more about the intersection of women and public policy.
Guests include: Amy Brenengen, Office on the Economic Status of Women; Deb Fitzpatrick, Center on Women and Public Policy, Humphrey institute; Deborah Schlick, Affirmative Options Coalition; Suzanne Koepplinger, Minnesota Indian Women’s Resource Center; Kathleen Murphy, Constitutional Amendment For Equality (CAFE)
12:00 Registration and Lunch
12:30 The Status of Women in Minnesota: The 10,000 foot perspective
1:30 The Status of Women in Minnesota: The “on the ground” perspective (Panel Discussion)
2:30 Facilitated Roundtable Discussions – Three 30‐minute discussions centered around: Economic Justice/Disparities for Women; “What exactly is Policy?”; Around the Kitchen Table – What women’s issues are we talking about around the table that didn’t get mentioned here?
4:00 Women in Public Office
4:30 Interactive Discussion with Elected Officials including State Representative Tom Rukavina; St. Louis County Commissioner Peg Sweeney; City Councilors Nevada Littlewolf and Liz Kuoppala
5:00 Dessert Networking Reception
For more information, email or call 1-800-662-5711 ext 423
Sponsored by: Office on the Economic Status of Women; Rural Women’s Leadership Project; The White House Project; Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, Mesabi Range College; Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency; Blandin Foundation; the Women’s Foundation of Minnesota
Please RSVP online!
Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund: Chisholm Listening Session & Online Survey
Representatives from the three organizations and 10 other history, arts and cultural organizations and libraries will work together to develop a plan for how proceeds of the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund will be spent. The results of this collaborative planning process will be reported to the legislature by Jan. 15, 2010.
They will be at the Minnesota Discovery Center in Chisholm on Tuesday, October 27 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
The Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund was established through constitutional amendment, approved by voters in November 2008, which added a provision to Minnesota’s constitution that provides for an increase in the sales tax to support outdoor heritage, clean water, parks and trails, as well as arts, history and cultural heritage.
If you are unable to attend, please take the online survey!
If you are interested in the connections between the Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund and K-12 education, visit Parents United!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Webinar Series: Realizing Our Broadband Future
Don't miss these upcoming Webinars about trends and the steps communities must take to increase their investment attractiveness. Learn about the role that technology plays in increasing economic vitality and present successful regional economic development strategies
Date(s): Tuesday, October 6, Tuesday, October 20, and Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Time(s): 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Location: ReadyTalk web conferencing
Access code: 4772080
Toll-free dial-in: (866) 740-1260
Learn More & Register!
October 6, 2009
A Futurist's View of Rural Minnesota
Presenter: Delore Zimmerman of Praxis Strategy Group, Grand Forks, ND
If you are interested in rural community and economic development trends, this webinar is for you. Delore Zimmerman will provide guidance for rural community leaders about development trends and the steps communities must take to increase their investment attractiveness.
The role that technology plays in increasing economic vitality will be presented both in theory and practice, and Delore will include information about successful regional economic development strategies.
Delore is a strategy consultant with twenty-five years of domestic and international experience working with local and regional economic development groups, companies and universities. He co-developed the High-Performance Community Initiative while a Senior Fellow at the Denver-based Center for the New West and has spearheaded its development and deployment for 10 years.
October 20, 2009
Broadband Best Practices in Greater Minnesota
Presenter: Bill Coleman of Community Technology Advisors, Mahtomedi, MN
Broadband is an essential asset for community and economic development. Greater Minnesota faces many challenges in keeping up with larger metro areas in Minnesota, across the country and around the world.
Community leaders are faced with navigating a whirlwind of dynamic technologies, policy discussions at the federal and state level, and funding through the ARRA stimulus programs as they wrestle with the the challenge of ensuring world-class broadband infrastructure and services and motivating the adoption of new technologies by businesses, institutions and citizens. This session will provide an overview of community best practices for network deployment and broadband-based economic development.
Bill Coleman has been helping communities make the connection between broadband and economic development. He specializes in helping communities accurately assess their situation, devise improvement strategies and implement projects. He brings equal attention to infrastructure and end-user technology adoption that leads to economic vitality.
November 3
Telling a Story with Social Media
Presenter: Ann Treacy, Treacy Information Services
Everyone has a story to tell, whether you’re recruiting people or businesses to your region, selling a product or preparing a presentation on future of broadband in rural areas. Social media tools such as YouTube and podcasts can help you establish your story, social networks such as Facebook or LinkedIn help you spread the word and ongoing blogs or Twitter can help maintain the story. We’ll talk about how to tell your story with social media.
Ann Treacy is a former librarian with 13 years of experience working with businesses and other organizations to get their message to prospective clients on the Internet. She works with resorts, realtors, manufacturers, nonprofits and others throughout Minnesota to develop Internet and socialmedia strategies to meet business goals.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
USDA Study Finds Rural Communities Benefit From Greater Broadband Internet Access
» Read the release
» Read the full report
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Britt Community Historical Society Holds Annual Meeting
Laurentian Environmental Center (LEC) on
Sunday, July 12, 2009 from 4-6 p.m.
A brief business meeting will be held at 4 followed by another deilcious meal by “Marko”. Pam Brunfelt from Britt will be our guest speaker. Following this, we will have drawings for doorprizes. To conclude our evening, a special poem will be read by Darrel Swenson. All members and interested guests are urged to attend. Join us on Sunday, July 12, 2009 at the main lodge of the LEC located 14 miles morth of Virginia on Peppard Road. Please RSVP for the meal no later than July 10. Call 749-3860 and leave your name and number of people attending. See you there!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Minnesota Grant Opportunities for Artists
Artist Initiative grants support career building and creative development opportunities for artists. The Arts Board alternates disciplines eligible to apply each year. Music, photography, media arts/new media, poetry, and prose grants will be offered during the fiscal year 2010 grant round.
Application materials are available at
Applications must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. on July 30, 2009.
Cultural Community Partnership grants are designed to enhance the careers of individual artists of color through partnership projects. An applicant can collaborate with another Minnesota artist of color or a Minnesota nonprofit organization.
Application materials are available at
Applications must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. on July 31, 2009.
Artist who would like to learn more about these opportunities are invited to attend a grant information session and, if interested, to schedule a one-on-one meeting with a program officer. Schedule and more details information available at
IRVM Artist gives Update
Iron Range Veterans Memorial Sculpture Update
Gareth Andrews, Zim artist who designed and is constructing the Iron Range Veterans Memorial bronze sculpture, returned from the Crucible Foundry in Norman, Oklahoma. He reported to the IRVM committee about the status of the ”Shoulder to Shoulder” sculpture. Upon arriving at the foundry, with new digital equipment, he stated that, “it threw him for a loss in where and how to begin”. It turned into a larger project than he had anticipated. He said it was almost like making it all over again and he was amazed by the complexity of the project.
In the enlargement phase, the project came in the alloted time and it is ahead in the actual process but the time line for the end of September, 2009 does not seem probable at this time The foundry projects that with a completion date set as early as September, more manpower would have to be added at an additional expense. The hours of the workers have already been reduced, so consequently, a completion date has been set from New Years to spring of 2010. They hope it to be around Memorial Day 2010.
All of the eagle’s wing sections, around to the wrist, both sides and
the flag are in a metal state. The molds are done and the casting in resin sand. The quality of bronze construction has greatly increased since Gareth last worked. The WASP and on the other end the Coast Guardsman Merchant Marine are in mold or partially in metal. Those three figures are well along. The parachute is in a secure outside area and awaits other adjoining pieces. The helmet and feet are cast. The other five figures are in the mold stage or awaiting to be cut up for the mold stage. The items borrowed from the various museums have been returned with thanks. The museums want to be in attendance and should be recognized at the unveiling ceremony. A lot of details have been added to the figures including such items as a spoon in a knapsack for quick meals and other unique items that will be of great interest to the viewers.
Gareth explained some of the actual problems regarding installation and transportation. The foundry will attach footings to stabilize and level the statue.
Patina will be needed to match the head to the body if they are assembled at the destination spot. The varying temperatures affect patina and they will be matched accordingly. The head attaches like a tea pot or jack-o-lantern lid. It will be tack-welded and will have attachments of flanges. No grinding will be necessary.
If the construction is made so that head is separate from the body, the overall size of the sculpture will be reduced and help facilitate the transportation but even with the head off, some road or highway places might not allow it to pass through. It is the committee’s hope that only one truck is necessary for the transportation or perhaps railroad transport will be the better choice. If we can come up with the transportation from this end, it will reflect a savings. The price for shipment is estimated at $12,500 if it is handled from the foundry end. Installation is quoted at $5,000. The IRVM has had a promise of the usage of a crane for moving and erection of the sculpture but what is needed is the help of a railroad or trucking company to help with the transportation thus reducing the foundry shipping cost. The sculpture will pass through five states on the way here.
Further discussion followed at the IRVM meeting regarding connections in the art piece, assemblage, and future cleaning of the sculpture. Gareth’s design has taken into consideration various problems that might arise such as water accumulation, freezing and run off. Overall estimation of necessary funds is given at $150,000 including the foundry transportation cost, remaining foundry costs, artist fees, installation and upkeep. Questions, donations, and paver purchases may be sent to IRVM Box 35, Virginia, Mn. 55792.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Application of Arts and Cultural Heritage Funds
Please plan to attend a public forum in Duluth on Thursday, June 18, from 6:00-8:00 p.m., at the Duluth Depot,506 West Michigan Street, and let us know how you think the new funds should be invested.
This is one of a series of forums that will be held throughout the state. The complete schedule is available on the Arts Board Web site
Forums are free and open to anyone who would like to attend. You are welcome to attend any session--just pick the date and location that is most convenient for you. To help us plan accordingly, please call or e-mail to let us know which session you plan to attend.
Phone (651) 215-1600
Toll-free (800) 866-2787
FROM THE WOODS Water colors and Field drawings
By Bonnie DuFresne
June 11th thru August 29th
At The First Stage Gallery 514 Chestnut St. Virginia, Mn.
Thurs.—Sat. 11am—3pm
Join us for an Artist Reception: Thursday, June 11th 7:00pm
Lyric Center for the Arts
P.O. Box 416
Virginia, MN 55792
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Iron Range Veterans Memorial Soon To Be Completed
"Honoring Those Who Served"
IRVM Mission Statement
As read at his 2007 funeral by his son Scott, some of Richard Edstrom's parting words were: "Always keep veterans and members of the armed services in mind". Dick served in the U.S. Marine Corps in the 1950's. Brother Russell was a sailor and brother Oscar Jr. was a paratrooper. Their father, Oscar Sr., was a member of Yoki-Bergman American Legion Post 220. The Iron Range Veterans Memorial dream (11 years ago) was very important to many including Dick as the first vice-chair of the IRVM committee. The non-profit was formed in 1998 for the sole purpose of collecting funding for a memorial for those who served.
Alongside Dick were others such as Don Tekautz , Bunny Isaacson, Larry Cuffe, and Floyd Jaros. Other now inactive initial supporters over the years have been: Bob Givens, Phil Carlson, Evelyn Raida, Larry Asbach, Dario Cuoco, Shawn Carr, and Barb Sanderson. Larry Lapatka, Ralph Harvey, Marge Pearsall and Dick Edstrom have passed away but the mission to build and complete this tribute still lives and moves forward. Current IRVM committee members are: Tom Berrigan (chair), Jim Lustig (treasurer), Louise Grams (secretary), Chuck Pottsmith (pavers), Jim Wilson, Jake Varoga, Don Tekautz, Larry Cuffe, Richard Obidowski and Charlene Luoma (vice chair).
The committee members have either been in active service themselves or have had relatives and loved ones who served. Thousands of Iron Rangers have served our country and deserve to be honored. During World War II, St. Louis County casualties were the highest in Minnesota. Ely had more men and women serving per capita than any other U.S. city. An unusually large number geographically of Vietnam war deaths were from the Iron Range. The sacrifices, injuries and deaths in addition to the iron and steel provided for war efforts places this area in a significant light for a monumental tribute to be erected.
Phase I in Virginia City Center Park near Bailey's Lake was completed in 2006 and is debt free. It includes memorial granite markers representing losses from five conflicts, lighting, circular handicapped accessible sidewalks, flags, statue underlay preparations, sod, landscaping and most importantly individual pavers. They bear items such as: names, branches of service, units, and deceased veteran's date of death. There are hundreds installed with room for hundreds more and purchases are steady. Pavers can be purchased or donations made through IRVM, Box 35, Virginia, 55792, Servicemen's Club (229 Chestnut St., Virginia Mn. 55792), or by calling Tom Berrigan 749-5362 or Chuck Pottsmith 741-8775.
Phase II is nearing completion and it's "when" not "if" that motivates everyone. Estimated completion date has been moved up to September 2009. It is a 26 x 13' bronze eagle sculpture that shields eight life size statues representing all military branches, five conflicts, both sexes and many ethnic groups. The artist, Gareth Andrews (Zim) is finalizing his work at the Crucible Foundry in Norman, Oklahoma. The estimated completion costs including freight transportation of $ 12, 500 and installation costs of $ 5,000 amounts to approximately $ 150,000.
We need everyone's help to complete this dream that has lived for over a decade and will honor those who served and those who are presently serving as well as being a beautiful tourism tribute to this entire area. A brief Memorial Day tribute will be held at the IRVM Bailey's Lake site on Monday following the Greenwood Cemetery program that is scheduled for 10. Everyone is welcome. Our mission statement is "Honoring Those Who Serve". Please join us in this honor.
(Photos courtesy of The Crucible Foundry, Norman Oklahoma showing local artist Gareth Andrews (Zim) working on the clay portion of the sculpture prior to the metal pour displayed in another one of the photos).
Friday, May 15, 2009
Interested Potters and Sculptors:
class at Vermilion Community College for the summer. This
class would be best for persons already familiar with clay
work, but there will be some instruction available.
The proposed schedule would be a start date of June 2 for 10
weeks with open studio time on Tuesdays and Thursdays from
4:30pm to 8:00pm. Price will be dependent on numbers
enrolled. There are still a few openings for this class.
Please call Wade Pharr at 365-2200 as soon as possible if
you are interested in this summer opportunity.
Salon de Garage Art Classes to be Held in Soudan
Artist Jeanni Burgwald will be teaching the 2009 Salon de Garage Project, to be held at her studio in Soudan. Classes are open to all skill levels and are focused on basic drawing and traditional painting methods, using oils & acrylics. Three classes will be held each week to provide basic and intermediate instruction as well as an open painting & critique session; 9:00am-12pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday June 2 thru September. Class fee is $25/class, and space is limited. Artists are to provide supplies. All participants are invited to celebrate and share their works of art during the ‘Salon de Garage Exhibition and Sale’ to be held July 31 and August 1, 2009. For further information, contact Jeanni Burgwald at 218.753.4215 or Email
Turning Your Art Avocation into a Vocation
Are you an artist with a desire to transform your avocation into a business? Do you want to be able to successfully market your artistic product/service? Are you wondering where and how to start down the path of artist-as-entrepreneur?
The Northeast Entrepreneur Fund introduces a new business learning program developed especially or artists who reside in northeast Minnesota and northwest Wisconsin.
C.RE.A.T.E. (Community Resources for Artists-to-Entrepreneurs) is designed to help artists turn their work into viable, income-producing businesses. Eligible participants include but are not limited to visual artists, sculptors, potters, filmmakers, photographers, musicians, and writers.
The next class series begins May 12. For program details,, call 218-623-5747, or
Monday, April 27, 2009
Britt Community Historical Society Seeks Board Members
Britt Community Historical Society
BRITT, MN. 55710
*Needed: Two Britt residents to serve on the Britt Historical Society Board! 749-7162
1st 2009 Meeting: Jan. 21 6:00 Guard Station
2nd 2009 meeting: April 2 “ “ “
3rd 2009 meeting: July 22 “ “ “
4th 2009 meeting: Oct. 21 “ “ “
Annual mtg. held at LEC Center in summer
Sunday, April 26, 2009
"Open Water" Exhibit at State Theater
Open Water fishing and water enthusiasts' exhibit opened on Thurs. April 23. Look at what you missed if you didn't get a chance to attend the reception! The crowd was very complimentary and interested in the old motor display and the variety of art including utilitarian weavings, oils, watercolors, woven willow structures, photography, fish wood carvings, decorative weavings, pottery, trout stamp paintings, poetry etc. Plan to set aside some time on a Thurs., Fri., or Sat., 11-3 until May 30, to view the "Open Water" exhibit at the State Theater Gallery 514 Chestnut St. Virginia and be prepared to have some fun! Questions: 218-741-5577
Monday, April 20, 2009
"Open Water" Art Show
Open Water
An exhibit to celebrate our local holiday: The Fishing Opener!
Opening Reception:
Thursday April 23, 6:00pm
The First Stage Gallery
514 Chestnut Street, Downtown Virginia
Exhibiting artists include:
Brenda Suihkonen, Casey Newberg, Cathryn Peters, Charlene Luoma, Cheryl Gillis,
Chris Koivisto, Daryn Lowman, Debra Gunderson, Ellen Pickering,
Gayle Streier, Heidi Niska, Karen Lamppa, Kate Whittaker,,Larry Rasen, Larry Rude, Ruth Koski, Steven Pellinen, Wanda Parks, Members of the SoHo Arts Center
The exhibit will also include antique outboard motors and more!
Exhibit runs April 23rd through May 30th.
Gallery Hours: Thursday, Friday and Saturday: 11am - 3pm.
Bring your favorite fishing or water sport enthusiast!
Lyric Center for the Arts
The First Stage gallery and performance venue
P.O. Box 416
Virginia, MN 55792
Friday, April 17, 2009
Share Your Woodland Stewardship Photos
If you have pictures of your land that you are willing to share with the committee, please send high quality electronic files to info@dovetailinc.orgwith “Stewardship Plan Photo” in the subject line.
Please include a line identifying how you would like the photo credited if it is used (e.g., Courtesy of John Doe). The committee can not guarantee that any specific photo will be used, and photos will not be returned.
If you have any questions, please call Katie Fernholz at 612-333-0430. Photos must be submitted by May 29th for consideration. Thanks for your help!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Open Call for Springboard's Group Visual Art Exhibition (applications due May 8, 2009)
Each artist must provide five artworks to be sold at face value during the event. Artwork prices cannot exceed $500. The suggested price of artwork is $100 to $400 each. Sales from the artwork will be split 50/50 with the artist and Springboard for the Arts (the artist retains all other rights as provided through the Copyright Act of 1976).
In addition to the five pieces shown at the group exhibition, the five exhibiting artists may have the opportunity to display and sell lower-priced artwork (less than $100) at a separate table space.
For more info and application requirements, please
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Vikings Have Landed!
with Mary Erickson
Thursday, April 16th at 6:30pm
The First Stage
514 Chestnut Street
This is an overview of a tour taken through Vesterheim Museum, of Decorah, Iowa. which focused on Viking life in Scandinavia and Ireland.
Norwegian, Danish and Irish history will be viewed during the time of the Viking Era with a special emphasis on ships and textiles.
Ms Erickson is a fiber artist who has studied her ethnic heritage through their history of weaving.
Free-will donations accepted.
"Putting the Face of Business on the Soul of Art"
I am pleased to announce and invite you to a
"Putting the Face of Business
on the Soul of Art". A one day workshop to be hosted by Hibbing Community
College and the Entrepreneur Team Committee. Workshop will be conducted by Cindy
Kittredge, (see bio.), on Monday, April 27 from 9am
- 4pm.
The workshop will be free and open to the public with snacks and lunch
Enrollment will be limited, please let me know if you are interested in coming,
and I will send registration information.
Daryn Lowman
Daryn Lowman
Hibbing Community College
Art Department
Brief Bio of Dr. Edrienne Kittredge
Dr. Edrienne Kittredge shares her knowledge of the connections between entrepreneurship, sustainability, cultural resources, folk life, and the arts through workshops, private consulting, and individual coaching.
She has presented workshops and lectures across the U.S., drawing connections to help people recognize and reach their potential by launching successful businesses in the world of art. She created and directed the groundbreaking TRACE (Transforming Rural Artisans into Creative Entrepreneurs) and Creative Arts Enterprise programs at Montana State University-Great Falls. Graduates of those programs have increased their income in art by 152%. Kittredge currently serves as the Folk Arts and Market Development Specialist for the Montana Arts Council, where she is involved in developing programs to brand the state’s arts and crafts while developing markets both within and outside of the state.
With thirty years experience in education, Kittredge has taught in high school and college, in addition to creating educational programs in the nonprofit sector. She has worked in cross-cultural communications at Marquette University’s foreign student office, has counseled and tested soldiers in the U.S. Army’s Project 100,000, and has worked in marketing in Arizona.
She served for a number of years as the Executive Director of a regional history museum, directing its move into a new home in a 47,000 square foot facility.
She graduated cum laude from the University of Montana, received an MA from Arizona State University, and a doctorate from Montana State University. She has attended the College of William and Mary, has done post graduate work in anthropology and museology, and received entrepreneurship training from the Sirolli Institute.
Writing and art are her passions. Besides helping artists learn more about the business of art, she is especially interested in issues affecting rural agrarian communities and was a founder of Hands of Harvest, a grass roots effort promoting cultural tourism and economic development. She continues to research and write about topics related to the land and its connections to the people on it.
Kittredge was born and raised on a ranch that lies along the banks of Montana’s Missouri River. Her rural roots shaped and continue to center her. She believes that foundation gave her skills and traits to survive and thrive in all kinds of environments, whether it be a one-room schoolhouse or a crush of people in a highly urban area. Still on the family ranch, her family raises purebred Highland cattle and Icelandic sheep, selling grassfed meat and naturally colored yarns direct to customers across the U.S. She is a fiber artist; her husband designs jewelry, and their son is at Oxford University where he is completing a three-year research position.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Iron Range Earth Fest - April 17 & 18, 2009
» Mt Iron Community Center
» Messiah Lutheran Church
» Mesabi Family YMCA
» Mt Iron Merritt Elementary School
The Iron Range Earth Fest will feature Iron Range food, skills, interests, and traditions – local food, local skills, local connection with wilderness, local music, and children’s activities, as well as offerings from local businesses, state, environmental, and public interest groups. People in our area still practice inherited traditions of hunting, fishing, trapping, gardening, quilting, weaving, canning, composting, furniture making and many other skills which make life sustainable. At the same time, cities, power companies and businesses in our area are developing new energy-saving and job-creating technology. All of these, along with agencies and programs for protecting our land and air and water, have a place and a voice at the first Iron Range Earth Fest.
More Information
Arbor Month 2009: My Favorite Tree
Friday, April 24 marks the beginning of an entire month of celebrating trees। For Arbor Month 2009, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is asking you to share a photo, drawing, or story about your favorite tree.
Get involved: share your favorite tree! Go outside to take a picture, make a drawing, or tell the story of your favorite tree, then post it here.
State champions needed for Minnesota’s big tree registry! While you’re at it, the DNR is also looking for state champion trees of the following species। Learn more or submit your champion trees at the DNR’s Big Tree Registry.
» Red Pine, Pinus resinosa
» Northern Mountain Ash, Sorbus decora
» American Hornbeam (also called blue beech), Carpinus caroliniana
» Mountain Maple, Acer spicatum
» Chinkapin Oak (also called yellow chestnut oak), Quercus muehlenbergii
Mesabi Range College TECH FEST 2009
Wednesday, April 15th from 11am – 2pm – Virginia Campus Commons
Mesabi Range's 1st Annual Tech Fest is where they will show off the latest technology!!!
· Guitar Hero
· Wii Fit
· Clicker Demo
· Touch Demo (tv/computer)
· Flip Demo
· Atomic Learning & more…..
· Prizes & refreshments
This event is FREE & open to the public and all high school students!
For more information, please contact Brenda K. Kochevar at 749-0314 or
From Eveleth Horizons
North Shore Community-Based Wind Energy Forums
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
North House Folk School
500 W Highway 61
Grand Marais, MN 55604
April 14 Agenda
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Grand Rapids Public Library
140 NE 2nd St Grand Rapids, MN 55744
April 15 Agenda
Northeast Clean Energy Resource Team (NE CERT) - Furthering energy efficiency, wind, solar, and education-related projects across the Northeast region of Minnesota.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Museum Collections Preservation
This is a rare opportunity for museums, historical societies, library professionals, volunteers, board members and anyone with artifacts and other items they which to preserve on a shoestring budget or less!!!
Send payment and registration to Conservation Workshop by April 18. 801 SW HWY 169, Chisholm, Mn., 55719 1-800-372-6437. Questions? Jennifer Rian, Educ. Coordinator 1-800-372-6437 ext. 294 or
Digital Photo Capture Club
It's free and it's fun! I'm referring to the Digital Capture Club. Each month, a theme is selected and we have a month to get our digital photo entry emailed. Many states participate and the photos are shown on the website. Professional judges make selections and give constructive commentary for improvement in our photography. This month's theme is "April Showers"
Here is this month's notification:
"How about 'April Showers'. It could be spring showers with flowers or buds. Or for those in the frozen north, your husband standing in the bathroom shower. (Edit your capture as much as you wish)
Submitted by Dave Linde
You will have until April 30th to make your submission. Send it to me at"
Also from our last email is this message:
"If you know anyone who would like to be a member of the club, send me their name and e-mail address and they will be added.
Roger Sorenson, Secretary"
Hope to see new names and photos on the website! It is fun and definitely helped the rest of us pass another long winter in the northland!
Ely Greenstone Public Art Contest Announced
The contest “Wildlife of the Land and Lakes - Creatures of the Wilderness World” challenges area artists to compete for $500 in prizes and draw attention to the arts in Ely.
With $1,500 in prize monies from the Ely Chamber of Commerce, the Ely Greenstone Public Art contest provides a unique opportunity with an enlarged focus. Artwork submitted may include two and/or three dimensional in any media. Entry applications are available at the Ely Echo or by email: thepub@elyecho.comand should be submitted by May 18 or brought to entry day on Saturday, May23 at Semers Park..
Judged on Best Use of Materials, Most Unusual and the Mayor’s Award, the winners each receive $500.
The size should be no larger than six feet and will be displayed throughout the Ely area, in or adjacent to public buildings and businesses. All of the items submitted will be auctioned off at the Juried Art Show with proceeds going to Ely Greenstone Public Art.
The donor artists will receive 20 percent of the auction sale price to offset their expenditure for materials.
Artwork will be received by Greenstone board members at Semers Park on Shagawa Lake in Ely from 9 a.m. to noon on May 23. Judging will take place at a later date.
Funds raised from the auction are used for furthering the arts in the Ely area.
For more information and to be placed on Greenstone’s artist list, send complete name, address, phone and email to: Ely Greenstone Public Art, 2647 Van Vac Road, Ely MN 55731 or email:
Many Iron Range artists displayed in the Greenstone shows last summer.
Artist Career Development Grant program
Call for Artwork for April/May Exhibit
The First Stage Gallery is planning an exhibit beginning April 23rd to celebrate the opening of fishing season and associated activities. The title will be 'Open Water'. We hope to highlight all of our area natural resources, especially lakes, rivers, and fish, through the visual art created here in northern Minnesota. Please reply by March 30th if you have work that you would like us to consider for this exhibit.(Call Mary to see if there is yet time to enter). We hope to hear from you soon.
Mary McReynolds
PS: We will also be featuring our member artists work during the months of July and August.
Lyric Center for the Arts
The First Stage gallery and performance venue
P.O. Box 416
Virginia, MN 55792
Healthcare Available for Local Artists
March 25, 2009 (Duluth, MN)..... The Artist Relief Fund and the Lake Superior Community Health Center are thrilled to announce their new program, Artists' Access to Healthcare - North.
This partnership between the two community based nonprofits will help provide free or low-cost healthcare to individual artists in the Arrowhead Region of Minnesota and Douglas and Bayfield Counties of Wisconsin. Beginning March 25, 2009, individual artists may apply to the Artist Relief Fund for a voucher to be used at the Lake Superior Community Health Clinics located at 4325 Grand Avenue in Duluth or 3600 Tower Avenue in Superior.
"Health care is a major concern for the artists we serve. Many are self-employed and have little or no insurance," says Erika Mock, President of the Artist Relief Fund. "We are very excited to be partnering with the Lake Superior Community Health Center to provide artists with a new option for affordable healthcare. Helping artists connect to options for healthcare, especially preventative care is an important goal of the Artist Relief Fund. This program is a perfect start towards that goal, and we hope that the partnership will be able to grow to provide even more healthcare for area artists."
Wende Nelson, Executive Director of the Lake Superior Community Health Center (LSCHC) adds, "At the LSCHC, we also believe that our country should provide affordable health care for its artists. For years our clinic has provided medical care on a sliding fee scale basis for working artists (full and part-time) who do not have health insurance, so we are very excited about this partnership with The Artist Relief Fund."
We hope that Artists" Access to Healthcare - North (AAH-North) will encourage more artists to access care and raise awareness about all the employed and hardworking, yet uninsured people in Duluth, Superior and the surrounding communities. We want to thank Wende Nelson for her support in putting together this partnership and for making access to healthcare for uninsured artists a reality.
More information and applications to the program can be found on the Artist Relief Fund's website; the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council's website at; or by calling 218-722-0952 or 1-800-569-8134.
The Lake Superior Community Health Center provides quality, affordable medical services to the community's low-income, uninsured and underinsured persons on a sliding fee scale basis.
The Artist Relief Fund's mission is to assist artists with emergency financial support and serve as a resource for information or other means of assistance available to them.
"Dark Days, Hope, and the New Deal at the Grass Roots" at the First Stage
April 2nd and April 9th
The First Stage
514 Chestnut St.
The program: "Dark Days, Hope, and the New Deal at the Grass Roots" will highlight the impact of New Deal Programs at the grass roots level in Minnesota. Emphasis will be placed on the unemployment situation on the Iron Ranges, the purpose of the New Deal programs, and the ultimate economic transformation wrought by the New Deal especially on the Iron Range.
Pam Brunfelt is a historian who teaches at Vermilion Community College in Ely. She previously worked as the archivist/historian at the Otter Tail Historical Society in Fergus Falls and as the Executive Director of the Crow Wing County Historical Society in Brainerd. Her research focus has been the 1930s, the history of radicalism on the Cuyuna Iron Range, and the history of Minnesota's Iron Ranges with a special emphasis on political history. Among her publications is "Minnesota's Communist Mayor: Karl Emil Nygard", Minnesota History, Fall 2002 and "Political Culture in Microcosm: Minnesota's Iron Range" in Perspectives on Minnesota Government and Politics, 6th edition, 2007.
There is no charge for admission. The First Stage is located at 514 Chestnut St., Virginia. For more information go to or call 741-5577.
Lyric Center for the Arts
Lyric Center for the Arts
The First Stage gallery and performance venue
P.O. Box 416
Virginia, MN 55792
Attention Iron Range Artists
> Duluth -- Do you create or perform music or theater? Are you a
> storyteller, dancer, weaver, painter, drawer, photographer or
> practicing any other art form? Are you interested in learning more
> about grant seeking, marketing, and using the Internet to showcase
> your work? The Arrowhead Regional Arts Council, Minnesota State Arts
> Board, and Springboard for
the Arts have a workshop to
> answer those questions. Participants will learn about opportunities
> and effective strategies for receiving artistic support, promotion,
> and the new online market place. Artists from diverse ethnic
> backgrounds or communities are encouraged to attend.
> The workshop will be held on Saturday, April 11, 2009, from 10:00 a.m.
> to 4:00 p.m. at Lake Superior College, 2101 Trinity Road in Duluth.
> The workshop is free, but individuals are encouraged to register in
> advance by contacting the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council by phone at
> 218-722-0952,
> 800-569-8134 or email:; or Minnesota State Arts
> Board by phone at 651-215-1600; 800-866-2787; Minnesota Relay Service
> 711 or 800-627-3529; by email at; or via the web
> at
> The Arrowhead
Regional Arts Council's mission is to facilitate and
> encourage local arts development. This mission statement grows from a
> conviction that the arts improve the quality of life in the region.
> is an online resource for artists and arts organizations
> from all disciplines. It offers Minnesota based artists a central
> gathering place on the web. is a joint project of The
> McKnight Foundation and the Walker Art Center.
> Springboard for the Arts work is about artists - nurturing them,
> supporting them and helping them make connections. It is a lifelong
> resource for artists - a place to come for advice, training, and
> renewal. Its programs provide arts focused management and career
> services to artists and arts managers of all disciplines and at all
> stages of career development. Its mission is to cultivate a
> arts community by connecting artists with the skills, contacts,
> information and services they need to make a living and a life as an
> artist. Springboard for the Arts is economic development for artists -
> by artists.
> The Minnesota State Arts Board is a state agency dedicated to
> enriching the cultural lives of all Minnesotans. Funds for Minnesota
> State Arts Board programs are provided through an appropriation from
> the Minnesota State Legislature, with additional funding from the
> National Endowment for the Arts.
Ion Range Earth Fest is for Everyone!
Hope you all can make it! I am also hoping you will help us with this grassroots event with a little grassroots advertising.I have paper posters I would be happy to send to you.
Thanks for your help! Hope to see you on the 18th.
Ardy Nurmi-Wilberg Consulting
1322 12th St So
Virginia, MN 55792
218-749-4331 (home office)
Ely's a contender for the 2016 Summer Olympics!
The Minnesota "Must See" on this April Fools Day is the launching of the Ely 2016 Summer Olympics Bid.
The "press conference" is an especially worthwhile click.
More from Minnesota Brown
Join the Ely2016 Facebook Group!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Superior National Forest Seeks Resource Advisory Committee Members
The Superior National Forest is seeking nominees for a Resource Advisory Committee (RAC), as authorized under Title II of the Secure Rural Schools Act and Community Self-Determination Act of 2008, (Public Law 110-343). The purpose of the Resource Advisory Committee is to enhance community collaboration with federal land managers in the process of proposing, reviewing, and recommending projects that will benefit resources on National Forest System lands in Lake, Cook, and St. Louis Counties, Minnesota.
“We are looking for representatives from a diverse array of stakeholders who have demonstrated an interest in management on the Superior as well as a commitment to working together toward the long-term benefit of our national forests” says Jim Sanders, Forest Supervisor for the Superior National Forest.
Fifteen members and three alternates are needed in order to establish the Superior National Forest Resource Advisory Committee. Resource Advisory Committee members will be selected from a list wide range of interests specified in the Act and will be appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture to serve four-year terms. Members serve without pay; however, they will be reimbursed for travel and per diem expenses.
As a result of the three county boards’ decision to allocate funds under Title II of the Act, it is anticipated that approximately $200,000 will be available each year for the next four years as part of this federal revenue-sharing program for counties containing federal lands.
Application forms, and links to additional information are posted on the Superior National Forest website [look on the lower right side of the page]. You may also stop by any Forest office or call 218-626-4300 to request a paper copy of the application and background information.
Printed, signed applications are due by April 17, 2009.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Rural Go Run: Women’s Leadership Training
Fortune Bay Resort and Casino
Tower, MN
Rural Go Run is a weekend-long training to inspire, equip, and inform women from all walks of life to lead more effectively in your work, community, and politics. The training will focus on communications, fundraising, organizing and other leadership skills.
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to build your skills and network with other women leaders from rural communities!
This is a national training program that engages local experts, public officials, current and former elected officials, and speakers to help train and share their experiences and stories of success.
We make this training affordable for women from all income levels. Scholarships are available.
Hosted by the White House Project Midwest.
Sign up NOW! (Registration Required)
Visit Rural Go Run on Facebook - And help spread the word!
E-mail nlittlewolf at
Friday, March 13, 2009
Rural Voices Unconference - April 3-4 in Duluth
Registration is now open for the Minnesota Voices Online Unconference!
As part of its Rural Voices Initiative, the Blandin Foundation is working with E-Democracy.Org and other partners to host the Minnesota Voices Online Unconference, Friday, April 3rd and Saturday, April 4th, 2009 at the family-and-eco-friendly Inn on Lake Superior in Duluth.
The theme of the unconference is:
Minnesota Voices Online: Connecting rural Minnesotans with new media so every place can share its voice in the Internet age
Register now - Only $35 including Friday dinner
Registration is now open! - See registration site for details on discounted hotel rates while supplies last. After you register, add your name and links to this public list of Unconference people to introduce yourself.
What the heck is an unconference?
According to Wikipedia, an unconference is a “facilitated, participant-driven conference centered around a theme or purpose.”
The conference will start late afternoon on Friday, April 3rd with a reception then dinner (family friendly), and a fun evening opening session. Our exchange will continue through the day on Saturday with lots of opportunities for participant developed discussions and break-outs until the late afternoon when we conclude. While supplies last, rooms at the discount rate are available Saturday night if you want to make a weekend of it (see registration site for details).
Pre-Conference Online Networking
A new Minnesota Voices Online community of practice is now open for Minnesotans (and beyond) interested in using new media to tell the story of their community, their community of interest or of Minnesota (some examples we’ve found).
Pre-conference discussions:
» Multiple modes of communication
» Challenges getting people engaged
» New Media/Old Media
Please join the Minnesota Voices Online community for developing “un” context.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
'Overburden' tour in Virginia tonight
He plans to spend the rest of the spring focusing on the Twin Ports and Twin Cities, so this is your chance!
The evening reading of "Overburden: Modern Life on the Iron Range" begins at 6 p.m. and will be followed by a discussion and book signing. The event is part of the week-long series "Range of Arts।" A $5 donation to the Lyric Center for the Arts is requested.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Cure for the Winter Blahs
Today, as I sat in Bonsai Tea (411 Grant Ave., Eveleth)Mark McCarty ( was showing us the Eveleth dvd he has made complete with musical background by his son, John McCarty. Meanwhile, on the open stage, Jim Swartz, Eveleth, was entertaining all of us with his beautiful electric guitar playing. Later, Twain Woodruff took to the stage and read some of his original poetry. This was followed by George Chley joining Jim in a guitar jamming session. By the time I had to leave, Jim Boyd arrived with guitar in hand to also sit in on the musical collaboration. Needless to say, I am going to return to Bonsai in the future for more live music.
If you also love to listen to live, local music, on Sat. March 14, Bonsai open stage will feature blues music from 12-4 by Blew Reed and Lil Dicky Window (Ely Blues Fest). The Bonsai open stage is open to performances on the 1st and 3rd Sat. every month so what's the excuse for sitting at home? If you have talent to share, stop in and introduce yourself to Les and Barb the owners of this unique, local tea/coffee house.
I suspect many of you, much like myself, have been suffering from cabin fever in this much too long winter! Are you looking for more homegrown community fun like the Laskiainen? Well, you're in luck because March 13/14, Eveleth will enliven the doldrums of winter with fun for the entire family through "PUCK DAYS". Beth Peterson and Eveleth Horizons heads the event and a complete schedule is posted at:
What sort of fun awaits? Well, there will be sliding, hot chocolate,a chili cook off, hotdogs, a bonfire, live music, a snowmobile parade, demonstrations, booths,and children's events to name a few. Recreation, arts, culture, history, and education will all be represented. The Heritage Committee will be on hand and one reading event to look forward to is Harry Lamppa (Virginia Historical Society) reading "How Finland Was Saved From The Grasshopper by St. Urho".
Many community members, businesses, and organizations have come together to create a fun, educational time for all. No excuses now, as even the Arrowhead Transit will be on hand to offer free rides to the various events. Well, you can hole up inside and succumb to looking at four walls and mind numbing boredom or venture out to Eveleth for family fun and friendship to brighten up your winter days before spring arrives.
$10,000 Matching Art Grant awarded to Virginia Foundation
Photo: Jon Anderson (on right) explains the matching art grant at the Virginia Foundation office on Wed. Feb. 18, 2009.
Joy Global Foundation, philanthropic arm of the parent company P&H Mining Equipment, gave a challenge (matching) grant of $10,000 for arts funding. The announcement was made at the Virgina Community Foundation office by Jon Anderson, P & H Mining Equipment general manager, and Linda Niskanen, Virginia Foundation Executive Director, to representatives of various local art groups and other interested parties.The grant was one of only two made in the United States. P & H will match up to $10,000 in donations to the Fund for the Arts in care of Virginia Community Foundation, P.O. Box 559 in Virginia, Mn. 55792 or money can be delivered to the office at 519 Chestnut St.. Further questions can be addressed to 749-8329 or The plan is for the combined $20,000 to be an endowment and that local art grants can be awarded with the interest money. It is hoped that grants can be awarded within a year in a competitive process for various art organizations.Donna Leese, Virginia Foundation Board Chair, praised P & H for their community involvement as did the others in attendance.
Range of the Arts
Range of the Arts - 2009
The 6th annual celebration of the arts and culture of the Iron Range.
February 28th - March 8th
Events include:
• Benefit Pasty Dinner
• Ameriikan Poijat (Finnish Dance Hall band)
• Arts International Market
• Gichigami Trio
• IRRRP melodrama - The Last Train to Winnipeg
• Small Parts Players Children's TheatreCompany presentation of Hansel and Gretel
• Jim Johnson, poetry reading
• Author reading and book signing with Aaron Brown
• Arts exhibits and more!
• Clearwater Hot Club (Jazz band)
See details on all Range of the Arts (ROTA) events on our calendar by clicking here!
Buy a Passport Scarf and get in to all the events* free all week long!
Individual: $50 (a $15 savings)
Couples: $75 (a $55 savings)
Family: $100
(*Passport scarf does not include Coffee an' or pasty dinner.)
Passport scarves available at The First Stage Gallery and The Card and Party Shop in Virginia, and Fine Edge Custom Framing in Eveleth, begining February 24th.
Lyric Center for the Arts
The First Stage gallery and performance venue
P.O. Box 416
Virginia, MN 55792
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Exhibitors Wanted For First Annual Iron Range Earth Fest
The first annual Iron Range Earth Fest will be held on Saturday, April 18, 2009: 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m. at the Mt. Iron Community Center and the Messiah Lutheran Church. This exciting event is presented by the Iron Range Partnership for Sustainability (IRPS): Club Mesabi, Inc., Hope Presbyterian Church Green Team, Messiah Lutheran Church Creation Care Team, Natural Harvest Food Co-op, Laurentian Environmental Center, North St Louis Soil & Water Conservation District, and the Virginia Sustainability Task Force
The mission of the IRPS is to stimulate a practical, multi-sector environmental movement on the Iron Range working towards creating a sustainable future for our children and our communities. The Earth Fest Goal is to hold a broad based, high energy, well-coordinated and publicized community event to stimulate conversation and share traditional and technological approaches for a sustainable future in Minnesota and the Iron Range.
Part of the Earth Fest Goal is also to:
1. Share traditional skills for sustainable living (e.g. gardening, composting, hunting, trapping, fishing, canning, quilting, weaving, wine and beer making).
2. Feature a broad spectrum of community groups, businesses, municipalities, power companies, churches, and environmental organizations and agencies around concern for a sustainable future in Minnesota and the Iron Range.
3. Involve a diversity of adults and children from our area, not limited to people who already see themselves as environmentalists.
4. Create the foundation for an annual event which continues to builds a broad-based, practical Iron Range movement for sustainability.
The event components will include:
. A Taste of the Range featuring foods traditional to the Iron Range along with foods made from locally grown and raised sources.
. How-to booths and informative displays on practical skills for sustainable living
. Informative and interactive displays about environmental impact and care.
. A series of demonstrations and talks on a wide range of topics in a separate area.
. Activities appealing to all ages.
. Live music.
. A well-known keynote speaker to begin or conclude the event.
A warm thank you is extended to the following Sponsors / Participating Groups:
. Northeast Minnesota Regional Sustainable Development Partnership
. Media Sponsors:
Home Town Focus Newspaper
KAXE Radio
. Mt Iron Community Education – April 17th concert with Pat Surface and the Boundary Water Boys
. Mesabi Family YMCA – coordinating with Healthy Kids Day on April 18th
. Civic, Government, Non-Profit Organizations
. Local businesses offering sustainable products or services
. Individuals with skills to share or knowledge of local sustainability
For more information contact:
Ardy Nurmi-Wilberg, Event Coordinator
1322 12th St So
Virginia, MN 55792
218-749-4331 (home office)
Friday, February 6, 2009
Town Hall Meetings on Governor Pawlenty's budget proposals
In our area on the 20th:
Little Falls: 9:30 a.m. at the Morrison County Government Center, Garden Level Meeting Room, 213 1st Ave. S.E., Little Falls.
Duluth: 9:30 a.m. at the Duluth City Hall Council Chambers, 411 W. 1st St., Duluth
Virginia: 1:30 p.m. at Mesabi Range Community and Technical College, Small Auditorium,1001 Chestnut St. W., Virginia.
Read the release
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
New map shows speeds of the information superhigway
From MPR: There's a new map of Minnesota being prepared and you're invited to participate. It isn't a roadmap. It's a map of the state's broadband or high-speed Internet service. The new map will show where Internet service is poor or speeds are slow. You can help with data collection by testing your Internet connection at The map makers will cross reference the speed tests to what the providers are reporting. Read the full article or listen to the audio at Minnesota Public Radio.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Dylan Days calls for 2009 writing contest entries
HIBBING, Minn. (Jan. 15, 2009) – Dylan Days announces its annual call for poetry, short fiction and one act plays for the Dylan Days Creative Writing Contest. The deadline is March 15, 2009.
For more information, read Aaron Brown's post on "Iron Range arts event calls for writers, poets and playwrights for annual contest"
Monday, January 12, 2009
Community Housing Action Plan Workshops
The workshops will all be held from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. with lunch provided.
Three Workshop Locations
Grand Rapids- Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Grand Rapids Public Library 140 NE 2nd St
Hibbing – Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Hibbing Public Library 2020 5th Ave East
Virginia- Thursday, January 29, 2009
Mesabi Range Community College room C156
1001 W Chestnut St
The Team is excited to share financial and technical assistance resource information with you and provide an opportunity for your community to develop a vision for housing and establish local housing priorities.
The workshops will highlight:
- Assistance with matching innovative and existing financial resources with new housing development and rehabilitation projects locally.
- Sub-regional housing five-year goals
- Examples of small community housing development implementation
- Group activities to identify local housing priorities and action steps
After the workshop an informal technical assistance session will be available for communities and developers…bring along your project ideas!
Professionals representing the Housing Expeditors, Lenders, Developers, and Planners will be present to discuss you projects and answer questions.
Please invite other community leaders to join you and attend a workshop at one of the listed locations.
If you have not responded already, please RSVP by Tuesday, January 20th so an accurate lunch count and meeting space set-up can be determined. Provide us with:
1. Your Name
2. Organization or entity affiliation
3. The workshop location you'll be attending
4. Email address
5. The information of anyone joining you
Phone: #218-529-7535 or #1-800-232-0707 ext. 535 or email:
Hope to see you at one of the workshops,
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Minnesota Voices Online
Learn more and join from
Are you telling local stories through new medias or using e-tools to engage your local community? If so, this is our space to share advice, tips, tools and compare notes.
"Whether it be through a blog, online forum, or a wiki, using audio, text, photos, video or mapping, more rural Minnesotans are using the Internet to tell the stories of their communities, their communities of interest or of Minnesota itself," said Bernadine Joselyn, director of public policy at the Blandin Foundation. "Minnesota Voices Online is a space for these Internet age communicators to connect to each other, share lessons, ask questions and talk about the topics that most interest them".
The issues raised and topics discussed on Minnesota Voices Online will inform the planning of a Minnesota Rural Voices Unconference, scheduled for April 2009. An "Unconference" is a facilitated, participant-driven conference centered around a theme or purpose. The theme of the April 2009 unconference is Minnesota Voices Online Unconference: Connecting rural Minnesotans with new media so every place can share its voice in the Internet age.
Questions? Contact Jennifer Armstrong at or 218-290-8020.
Northfield: A small town with big ideas on citizen journalism
Twin Cities Daily Planet
On any given day at the Goodbye Blue Monday coffee shop in downtown Northfield, you will see several people scanning their computers instead of perusing a newspaper, as they nurse their morning coffees. The reason is that Northfield has two citizen journalism blogs, and, that are highly popular morning reads in town. With a total population of only 17,150, Northfield has two citizen journalism web sites covering local news, events and activities — Locally Grown, which attracts nearly 7,000 visitors a month, and, with a monthly readership of about 9,400. - Read the Full Article -
Blog Archive
- Britt Community Historical Society Seeks Board Mem...
- Britt Community Historical Society
- "Open Water" Exhibit at State Theater
- "Open Water" Art Show
- Share Your Woodland Stewardship Photos
- Open Call for Springboard's Group Visual Art Exhib...
- Vikings Have Landed!
- "Putting the Face of Business on the Soul of Art"
- Iron Range Earth Fest - April 17 & 18, 2009
- Arbor Month 2009: My Favorite Tree
- Mesabi Range College TECH FEST 2009
- North Shore Community-Based Wind Energy Forums
- Museum Collections Preservation
- Digital Photo Capture Club
- Ely Greenstone Public Art Contest Announced
- Artist Career Development Grant program
- Call for Artwork for April/May Exhibit
- Healthcare Available for Local Artists
- "Dark Days, Hope, and the New Deal at the Grass Ro...
- Attention Iron Range Artists
- Ion Range Earth Fest is for Everyone!
- Ely's a contender for the 2016 Summer Olympics!