Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Friends of the Virginia Public Library

Gathering all FRIENDS – Thursday evening!
Come share your ideas for FRIENDS activities and events! 5:30 to 7:00 p.m., Thursday, October 28th at the Columbia Apartments meeting room. (flyer attached)
Please RSVP – we're picking up sub sandwiches from Poor Gary's and would like to know how many to plan for!

Mark your calendars! Fall Brown Bag Seminars: (Held in the library auditorium at noon.)
Nov. 4th — Healthy Holiday Eating with Holly Holmes (flyer attached)
Nov. 18th — Understanding Memory Loss
Dec. 2nd — Holiday Baking Tips & Cookie Exchange (hosts needed)
AMBASSADORS: Please forward, print and post the flyers as appropriate!
CORE group members: Flyers are available at the Staff Picks table for pick up and posting.

The next regular meeting of the FRIENDS will be Tuesday, November 16 at 4:00 p.m.

Thank you Carol Gunderson and Donna Semeja for preparing the library window boxes and plaza container for winter!

–Jennifer Armstrong
FRIENDS of the Virginia Public Library

Libraries and literacy are essential!

Tickets Are Still Available

Murder at the Monster Bash
mystery dinner theater
October 29th and October 30th.
Halloween? Spooky!!
Being in costume is no excuse for the way you behave the other 364 days of the year. And some families can be the worst, even to the point of...well, you know.
The IRRRP's holiday party will be at the Coates Hotel, Viking Room.
Doors and cash bar open at 6pm.
Curtain time is 6:30pm.

Guests in costume (by our definition) will be eligible for a special prize. All decisions are final! (But not 'final' as in murder 'cause we want you to come back again!)
Don't miss out. Reserve your ticket and meal NOW. Call Pete at 780-1264, then click on the order form below, print, complete and mail with your payment to LCA at PO Box 416, Virginia, MN.

Lyric Center for the Arts
The First Stage gallery and performance venue
P.O. Box 416
Virginia, MN 55792
Add us to your Facebook favorites! Click HERE

Friday, October 8, 2010

Murder at the Monster Bash!
A Mystery Dinner Theater production by the
Halloween!! Spooky!! Being in costume is no
excuse for the way we behave the other 364 days
of the year, and families can be the absolute
worst, even to the point of, well, you know. Our
holiday party will be at the Coates Hotel, Viking
Room, which will open at 6:00PM on both Friday
the 29th and Saturday the 30th. The curtain will
be at 6:30PM. Guests in costume (by our
definition) will be eligible for a special prize. All
decisions are final.
Dinner choices will be either Champagne Chicken, or a 6 ounce steak with 3 shrimp, please note
that all steaks will be prepared MEDIUM. Salad and desert complete the offering for each
night. Please fill out the order form information below, and call Pete at 741-5577 to reserve your
order, and then mail completed form and check, to LCA, P.O Box 416, Virginia, MN 55792. We
also accept Visa and Master Charge. Tickets must be ordered and paid for by Monday October
25. and will be held at the door. These events sell out early so DON’T DELAY!!
My name is________________________________________
Orders placed after October 25 will be $40.00 each.
I/we will be attending on:______Friday October 29 $35.00
______Saturday October 30 $35.00
There will be_____ in our party.
___ will have the steak
___ choose the Champagne Chicken.
Enclosed, please find check or cash totaling $_________. Checks should be made to the IRRRP.
Please charge $__________ to my credit card.
The card is a __________(Visa/MC) card. The number is_________________________.
Expiration date is__________. My phone number is___________________.
Order#________(Office use only)
Thanks for supporting the Iron Range Regional Repertory Players

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Recent Interview at Laurentian Environmental Center

Jim DeVries, director of the Laurentian Environmental Center, 8950 Peppard Road, Britt recently sat down for an interview. He reported that there will be a renovation of the main lodge this year. It is through the legislative commission of Minnesota Resources. The Laurentian lodge building was built in 1938 and now energy efficient windows and installation will be installed improving the overall efficiency of the building. There will also be some work done in the office area. Next year, there is a plan for solar heat and possible wind energy utilization. All will most likely also enhance the curriculum of the center's attendees.
The school year season has begun. The first students of the season are the New Brighton Sunnyside Elementary 5th graders who will spend 4 days. The camp has catalog selections and the district chooses which courses to offer the students. The camp is mostly booked but there is always room for consideration. Call 888-749-1288. Ask for Kristian for further details or a catalog.
Summer 2010 was one of the busiest. The warmer weather sped up the grass growth. The forest appears healthy and awaits children, students and adults for a full fall, winter, and spring visit from those who want to spend quality time in a beautiful northeastern environment.

Thank You for 2010 Sand Lake Shuffle

$47,700 raised. 215 team members. 104 survivors. 64 volunteers. 1,600 luminaries sold. $41,000 given to Care Partners to assist local individuals living with cancer.
$2,000 given to St. Luke's Whiteside Institute for Clinical Research. $2,000 given to St. Mary Duluth Clinic Breast Program. $2,000 maintained for special event or donation for 2011 Sand Lake Shuffle. 2011 is the 20th year for the SLS and the committee welcomes and encourages teams, participation, donations, assistance, and committee involvement on behalf of our local cancer patients. Hope to see all of you at the Voyageurs Resort, Sand Lake, Old Highway 53 ByPass, Britt August 11/12 2011. We thank ALL volunteers, donations, purchases and businesses who give freely to help this non profit raise funds for local cancer patients. It is the "perfect storm" of everyone coming together to help others.

Another Successful Sand Lake Shuffle

Next year marks our 20th anniversary.

The Eagle Will Soon Be Landing

The Eagle Will Soon Be Landing as the Iron Range Veteran Memorial Nears Completion

NOTE: There are 11 members of the Iron Range Veterans Memorial Project. We are “all” senior citizens and dedicated volunteers. The project has been underway for eleven years and the grass roots efforts of this group has never wavered. Below please find a short interview with each member as we reflect on our involvement and progress on this wonderful public tribute:

The nine ton IRVM bronze, “Shoulder to Shoulder” is nearing completion and plans are underway for its transportation and installation. All 160 pieces of the 25’ by 16’ sculpture have been cast at the Crucible Foundry, Norman, Oklahoma (www.cruciblellc.com) and renown artist/sculptor Gareth Andrews (www.oxbowart.com) made one of his last trips to do finishing work through the generous offer of Happy Trails Tours, Forbes. The tour bus headed to Texas last March for a winter getaway and Gareth caught a ride to the foundry in time to give a tour and talk about the sculpture to local travelers.
On Thurs., Feb. 25, 2010 on the 6:30 Duluth Channel 3 News, yet another coverage about the IRVM project was aired. Since that airing, the Virginia Foundation gave the IRVM a figure spot on the military mural wall for a fund raiser in silent auction form. It brought a bid of $5,000 from an anonymous donor followed by yet another donation of $50,000 from the same person allowing the remaining money owed to the foundry to be paid off.
*The IRVM committee was interviewed earlier the week of Feb. 2010 and we share with your readers information about our members. Excitement is building as we near the arrival of the masterpiece. While the t.v. interview was underway, the IRVM committee members took some time to reflect and give brief comments about their involvement and dedication to the project. The IRVM committee shared some “golden” memories about the Iron Range’s “bronze” arrival.
*Jim Wilson (far back left in photo) just informed us that the Ely television station has shown an interest in the building and assemblage of the sculpture. They plan on making arrangements with the committee very soon. We thank them for their interest. (Since that news, we traveled to the Veterans on the Lake north of Ely, Mn where we were interviewed for an entire hour by a Duluth radio station.) Jim was in the Navy from 1963-67 and served on the U.S.S. Midway CVA 41 and the Hornet CVA 12. Since he also served in Vietnam, he knew people who were missing or killed and thinks of them often Because he was the past Commander for Disabled Vets for the state of Minnesota, he was asked to serve on the IRVM committee. He says, that, “The project has been a long time coming and I have been personally involved since the beginning because I think it’s a very important sculpture for the entire area.” Jim heard about the project initially by belonging to the many veterans organizations. He feels that area residents will really come to appreciate the sacrifices that all veterans have made once the park is completed. “It’s art that is needed in the area.”
*Jim Pernu, (2nd from front left row) our newest member of the committee, thinks the memorial is a great tribute to ALL veterans not only the Minnesota ones but also those throughout the state and beyond. “It is an honor and I am proud to be a member of this committee.” He wants to thank all who have shown support towards the memorial fund. Jim works along side Chuck Pottsmith on the paver purchase/installation area and he said, “I can’t say enough good about the fantastic job Chuck has done and I have learned a lot from him.”
*Larry Cuffee (far right back row) has been with the project since the beginning. Larry says, “it has been an honor and a privilege to be involved in this beautiful memorial that will soon be erected. There have been a lot of ups and downs because of finances.” Because of many generous donations, especially by two particular individuals who gave the initial money, we were able to move forward with the project. He feels, “it was a gift from Heaven and without that generous donation, we probably might not be at this point right now.” The entire committee agrees with that comment.
*Chuck Pottsmith (2nd from right front row) says this project started out about ten years ago and he was, at that time, asked to make a drawing or concept. He did and the committee (during Dick Edstrom’s years) looked it over. In the meantime, however, an architectural firm was contacted and a more elaborate design emerged. “Initially, there were plans for fiberglass figures and a museum but various complications such as staffing for tourists changed the plans. The concept evolved and the bronze idea was accepted.” Chuck served in WWII in a milder capacity from 1943-46 and he joined the committee because he said, “ I wanted to honor those who served and sacrificed. This is my gesture at paying them back.” Chuck wants it said that this is his service to “all veterans” and he has been glad to do it.
*Don Tekautz (3rd from left back row)has belonged to the committee since its inception many years ago (at least a dozen years). He called Joe Begich and Mr. Begich said, “come to the IRRRB meeting tonight and you might be able to get $250,000.” As it turned out, the money had to be a grant match. The committee was determined to continue and eventually, was able to obtain the necessary match. “We arranged a meeting with the new commissioner and an agreement was made.” Don says, “I have always been interested in helping veterans.” Part of his feelings involve the fact that his brother, Robert, was a POW for nine months. He was captured in Italy and they walked from Italy to Mooseburg, Germany. Five Tekautz brothers served between WWII and the Korean War. In 1992, Don had the opportunity to visit the prisoner of war camp where his brother and others had been imprisoned.
*Louise Grams, (far left right front row)secretary, served in the Navy Hospital Corps. “In those days, if one couldn’t afford college, they looked for other opportunities.” She was too young to go on the MSTS (military ship transport). Louise chose to join the IRVM committee because “I wanted to be a part of it. I can’t wait for it to get here!” She invites everyone who listened to Louise on “Open Mike”, WHLB for 23 years, whether it was in the kitchen, on a tractor, in the garage or car, to now pick up a pen or go online (www.razoo.com or www.goodsearch.com) and make a donation to the IRVM project. “Now,” she says, “We need everyone who listened or called to contact us for our project.”
*Richard Obidowski (2nd far left back row) joined the IRVM because he was approached by another committee member after a newspaper article ran about his uncle, Pete, serving as a medic in Korea. Richard’s father and three uncles all served in WWII. Richard was visibly moved as he expressed that, “The project is something that needs to be done to honor all the fallen veterans and surviving veterans of all the wars we have been in.” The title of the sculpture is “Shoulder to Shoulder Even the Fallen Stand Tall” and that reflects Richard’s feelings.
*Jim Lustig, (far right front row) treasurer, has been affiliated since the beginning and the reason he became involved because “Many of my relatives served in WWII, Korea and Vietnam.” Jim was born and raised around Cook. Both Jim and his brother served in the Korean War. He feels, “By recognizing those who served in the military and honoring them, it is what makes it possible for all of us to be here. If it wasn’t for them, we wouldn’t be able to be here doing this now. This is a way of honoring all of them.”
*Jake Varoga (absent in photo) is the chaplain of all the veterans organizations in Virginia except for 40/8. He says, “It is an honor and privilege to serve on the committee and I will never forget the experience and work done by many.” As we near the closure and completion of the monument, he suggests that if anyone wants a way to honor all of our veterans, they might consider a donation.
*Tom Berrigan, (2nd from right back row) chairman, says that the concept of a veterans memorial has been in his thoughts for a long time. He was a Marine in Vietnam 1967-74 where he saw many 18/19 year olds get killed. “Forty some years later, sometimes it seems like they have been forgotten by the general public.” He did two tours in Vietnam in 67, 68, 69. He said, “I thought it important that we have something large, tangible and beautiful to look at to honor their memories.” He says, “I am looking forward to the completion of the project and to get the huge bronze statue for the Iron Range. It has been such a long project that sometimes we wondered if it would ever happen. Now that the date is approaching, it will be a weight off of the entire committee.” The pressure, however, is still on until the final money is raised.
*Charlene Luoma, (middle back row) vice chair, chose to join the committee because she hoped to assist through grant writing and fund raising. She has been a “cheerleader” for the group while capturing the history of the project through photos, scrapbooks, articles and the media. She was excited by the thought of being helpful in bringing a high caliber bronze to the Iron Range art community.The arts belong to everyone.She had members of her family serve and in honor of all who served, she wanted to pay a respectful tribute through the beautiful monument. She knew Gareth Andrews from other projects, was aware of his tremendous talent and hard work and proud to be on the committee. As a former public school teacher, she often told her students “Try to be a peacemaker but always respect the peacekeepers.” She is also proud that the eight figures represent both sexes and man ethnic groups besides all branches and the five major conflicts of the last century. It is an inclusive project in man ways. Following her retirement, the project became an extension of showing honor to those who served.
*Gareth Andrews, sculptor, reminisced about when he and Byron Kesanen were finishing the “Sawyer” sculpture in the Rotary Park. Dick Edstrom and Floyd Jaros approached them about a veterans memorial. They set out what they hoped to incorporate and it was extensive and non discriminatory. They wanted everyone to be honored. Gareth’s father was a WWII Navy sailor with a college education. Consequently, he was given a desk job and Gareth thinks that might have influenced his interpretation. People have served in a wide variety of ways including the families and All Americans who have shown support for those who had to see actual “action”. “There are lines of supplies and bookwork needed to also ‘run a war’”. “ As many walls that we have breached, it was a total effort across the century to keep the peace. Everyone has a story to tell. The sculpture aimed for the common ground and the common man” in the part he/she has played. “With all the metal on the floor (of the foundry), things will come together quickly. I feel good about it.” Those are the encouraging words directly from the artist in keeping the faith that all will go as planned in the last stages of the sculpture. We wish him safe travels and the best of luck as he oversees the assemblage.
The New Mexico National Guard has volunteered transportation of the bronze from Norman, Oklahoma to Virginia City Central Park around May 17. Four foundry workers will be assembling, grinding, polishing, heating, straightening, working on the patina through 10-12 hour week days over three days. The IRVM committee is aiming for May 29 as a public welcome and acknowledgement for the extraordinary work by the artist, foundry, committee, donors, volunteers and anyone else who has shown support for the 11 year project. The hearts of the Iron Range people are in this monument and Memorial Park in addition to their money. It is a tribute to a grassroots effort by volunteer citizens in planning, constructing, handling finances responsibly and delivering a tangible monument honoring “All Who Served” and the accomplishments through collaboration and cooperation. It will stand forever as a reminder of these efforts.
We are, for the first time in over ten years, at a financial shortfall. Since the ownership of this beautiful bronze belongs to EVERYONE we seek every one’s help. If you would like to purchase a brick Memorial Paver, please contact Chuck Pottsmith (741-8775) or Tom Berrigan (749-5362). If you would like to make a direct donation, please send it to IRVM Committee, Box 35, Virginia, Mn. 55792. Another new way to make an online donation is through (www.razoo.com Iron Range Veterans Memorial) or through (www.goodsearch.com Iron Range Veterans Memorial) also known as GiveMn.org. These are websites for non profits (your donations are all tax deductible). If you put the goodsearch logo in your tool bar and use it to search on the internet, we automatically receive $ as an organization. If you make any online purchases from an extensive list of businesses (Best Buy, JC Penneys, Target, Office Max, Barnes and Noble to name just a few and many well known catalog businesses) we will be given a % of the purchase price from the business but you must be sure you list or tell them it is for the IRVM organization. A large amount of funds have been received for various non profits through this new method of giving. Please check on these to see if this is the method you would want to use and above all else, pass the phone numbers, box number and websites in this article along to your friends and relatives.
We are available for addressing clubs, service organizations, businesses etc. with recent updates on the project. The sparks are flying in the foundry and a fire is lit under the IRVM project. For all of us who have patiently waited, the wait will soon be over and we invite you all to enjoy “your park and monument” honoring THOSE WHO SERVED” and the miners who drew many tons of ore that as turned into the steel used for ships, vehicles, surgical instruments, ammunition, arms in the keeping of America and the freedoms we all enjoy. The phase one is complete and debt free, phase two is nearing completion and the foundry is paid in full, the transportation, installation and necessary crane is covered. Remaining is the last $50,000 on the artist’s fee. Please consider helping us with the remaining shortfall as this public project belongs to everyone!

Sincerely submitted
Charlene Luoma co chair IRVM committee (all volunteer senior citizens!)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sand lake Shuffle Needs Everyone's Help On Behalf Of Our Local Cancer Patients!

Sand Lake Shuffle 19th Season Begins!

It's time to begin planning for another successful local cancer fund raising event! This year's Sand Lake Shuffle (Sand Lake, Voyageur's Resort) Old Highay 53, Britt By Pass is scheduled for August 13/14. Last year, despite the economic problems, the Shuffle raised $48,400 that was disbursed to the CarePartners committee(provides money locally to those stricken with cancer and their families, The Liz Prebich Breast Cancer Center, Virginia, Mn., St. Mary's Breast Center, Duluth and St. Luke's Whiteside Research, Duluth for cancer research and treatment. The SLS committee tries to be fair and to provide for our local people's needs. Planning has begun and we ask that readers consider a team to walk around the beautiful Sand Lake track or to purchase our delicious $6 spaghetti dinner. Donations are always welcome and family and business fund raisers are becoming more popular. It is not too early to start planning and some of our members began last night. Questions? Ideas? Suggestions? lundgren65@yahoo.com ask for Holly and come for a fun evening of music, pizza, spaghetti, and laughter on Aug. 13/14.
We are trying to put the "fun" into our local fund raising with an emphasis on the teams.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Library Fun!

And what a week it will be!
Last week's Brown Bag Lunch on Planning Your Year-Round Garden was a great success with over 30 attendees! Thanks for your help in spreading the word!

Monday, April 12 – One Book, One Community Book Discussion, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, Barbara Kingsolver, starting at noon
Tuesday, April 13 – Celebrate National Library Week & Meet the Friends with cookies & juice at the library!, noon to 2:00
Thursday, April 15 – Garden Series #2 Brown Bag: Minimum Maintenance Container Gardening!, starting at noon

Flyers are attached for each of these events. Ambassadors: Please forward, print and post, as appropriate!
Technical note: The flyers are "downsized" to accommodate our FRIENDS with dial-up Internet service. Email me if you're having trouble printing full-size poster quality, and I will send you a larger pdf file.

The next meeting of the FRIENDS will be Tuesday, April 20, 4:00 p.m. in the Library Auditorium
Come join us as we talk about what the FRIENDS can do to help the library keep our kids reading all summer long!

Tuesday, April 20, 6:00 p.m., One Book, One Community Book Discussion, Natural Harvest Food Coop, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, Barbara Kingsolver
Thursday, April 22, 12:00–1:00 p.m., Garden Series #3 Brown Bag: Fragrant Language of Herbs!

Visit the Library Calendar for a complete list of upcoming events at the library!

Also in the community:
Woodcut Artist and Children's Book Author Betsy Bowen to Exhibit April 12-28
Special Events, Thursday, April 15 (Exhibit flyer)

--Jennifer Armstrong
FRIENDS of the Virginia Public Library

Libraries and literacy are essential!

Sand Lake Shuffle 2010 Local Cancer Fundraiser

Friday, April 2, 2010

Iron Range Veterans Memorial Announces Goodsearch Online Fundraiser

Newsletter, Blog, & Email:
$5,000 GoodSearch Giveaway - Three Days Only
We have something new and exciting we'd like to share with you! It's the new IRVM - Iron Range Veterans Memorial toolbar - once added to IE or Firefox, each time you shop at more than 1,300 stores (from Amazon to Zazzle!) a percentage of your purchase will automatically be donated to IRVM - Iron Range Veterans Memorial - at no cost to you (and you may even save money as the toolbar provides coupons and deals as well!). The toolbar also has a search box and each time you search the Internet, about a penny is donated to IRVM - Iron Range Veterans Memorial. http://www.goodsearch.com/toolbar/irvm-iron-range-veterans-memorial
The two minutes it takes to add this toolbar to your browser can make a lifetime of difference!

Get the toolbar NOW! http://www.goodsearch.com/toolbar/irvm-iron-range-veterans-memorial

New Announcement:

GoodSearch will donate a $1 for every toolbar that is downloaded between April 6th at 9am EST and April 9th at 9am EST up to $5,000!! Please download the toolbar right now.

Our new (Iron Range Veterans Memorial) toolbar is free to download and allows you to raise money for our cause every time you search or shop online! Once added to IE or Firefox, each time you shop at more than 1,300 stores (from Amazon to Zazzle!) a percentage of your purchase will automatically be donated to (Iron Range Veterans Memorial)- at no cost to you (and you may even save money as the toolbar provides coupons and deals as well!). The toolbar also has a search box and each time you search the Internet, about a penny is donated to (Iron Range Veterans Memorial) (URL)

Please hurry and do this now so that we can earn the $1 bonus per toolbar!

And, please pass this along to all of your friends. The two minutes it takes to add this toolbar to your browser can make a lifetime of difference for our cause!

Get the toolbar NOW! (URL)

Put on your facebook page:Facebook
GoodSearch will donate $1 for every toolbar that is downloaded today up to $5,000! Download it here and every time you shop at one of more than 1,300 participating stores, a percentage of your purchase will automatically go to our cause! (URL).

Put on your Twitter page: Twitter
GoodSearch will donate $1 for every toolbar that is downloaded today, up to $5,000! Download it here to support us! - (URL)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Open Water Exhibit at First Stage Gallery

Calling visual artists!

We celebrate the opening of fishing season with our annual Open Water exhibit at the First Stage Gallery which will begin May 6, 2010. We're looking for artwork that depicts our northern Minnesota lakes, rivers and the recreational activities that we enjoy there. Submit digital images of artwork by April 15th via e-mail to lyriccenterforthearts@yahoo.com. Include your name and a phone number. Please pass this on to other artists you know!

Mary McReynolds
Lyric Center for the Arts
The First Stage gallery and performance venue
P.O. Box 416
Virginia, MN 55792

Fiber Display and Reception

Structure: An Exhibit of fiber and collage
> Mary Gross Erickson
> Library Fine Arts Gallery
> Mesabi Range Community and Technical College
> March 17 - April 6, 2010
> Opening Reception: March 18, 3:00 - 6:00 pm
> Gallery Hours: M-F, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm, Call for evening hours, 749-7712

Friday, March 12, 2010

We're Counting on our Journalism Readers to Help Out!

March Goodness Fundraiser for Iron Range Veterans Memorial

Public announcement. During March (starting on March 15-March 29, the local Iron Range Veterans Memorial has been selected to participate in an opportunity for online donations. The website for non profits is:


You can type razoo.com and then select Iron Range Veterans Memorial as your charity (March 15 or later) or just copy/paste the above URL address into your computer browser. It is easy and fast to hit the donation button! The IRVM will receive %100 of the money and, if it ranks in the top of the 32 non profits selected for this special honor, it will also receive a further donation from razoo.
Since the IRVM has found itself with its first shortfall and the bronze is due to arrive in mid May, we need everyone's help! Please use this efficient and fast way to send a donation so you can also become part of the grassroots success story! Thank you for your help! See you in May at the IRVM park plaza site! Uplifting and exciting times are ahead for the entire Iron Range

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Iron Range Veterans Memorial Selected for March 15 March Goodness Online Fund Raiser!

blog readers:
We need everyone's help to get the word out on this fund raiser for our local non profit Iron Range Veterans Memorial public bronze. Please help through whatever means you have blogs/emails/flyers/facebook/bulletin boards/websites/other? Thanks Charlene (co chair IRVM)
Here is the email that arrived this week. I will post further instructions as I receive them on how to participate in this online fund raiser n behalf of our local IRVM 100% of donated (tax deductible) mone goes directly to the IRVM. Please consider participating! We need everyone's help to complete the 9 ton bronze project.

Dear Charlene,

Greetings from Razoo Central in Washington DC and Congratulations!

IRON RANGE VETERANS MEMORIAL is one of the 32 organizations selected to compete in Razoo's 2010 March Goodness RazooNIT contest.

Leading up to the competition kick off on March 15, 2010 (12AM EST) you will be receiving important information regarding the contest including an updated contest calendar, instructions for setting up a March Goodness Project page where donations will be made, a March Goodness Tool Kit, and information regarding the rules of the contest. We hope to provide you with the resources and tools necessary to ensure a successful shot at the RazooNIT title while also attracting new donors and supporters of your mission.

Below is the current contest calendar. We will inform you of any updates and/or changes as they occur:
March 15 – 30: Big Dance Regional Tournaments and RazooNIT Tournament
March 18: March Goodness Happy Hour in Washington DC
March 31: Announce Champion of the RazooNIT Contest
Please check www.marchgoodness.com for the latest information. We will post the RazooNIT leader board, and you'll be able to check out the other competing organizations.

Reminder: There is a $10.00 minimum donation and the contest does not begin until March 15, 2010 12AM EST. Donors who make donations before this time, and those who do not use your official March Goodness Project Page, will not be counted toward the final total. Again, there will be further instructions on setting up a March Goodness Project Page, but we wanted to remind you before eager donors flooded your page!

Please make sure we have your correct contact information as all information sent to you will be vital to your success. Also, check to see that your Razoo organization page is up to date.

Please be on the look out for upcoming emails that include updates and materials and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at anytime at marchgoodness@razoo.com.

Thank you for participating in March Goodness 2010. We look forward to a great competition.

Good Luck!

The March Goodness Team at Razoo

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A few more IRVM Sculpture Photos!

Here are a few more close up photos for the Quad City Journal readers to study details.

Iron Range Veterans Memorial Construction

The Iron Range Veterans Memorial continues to move toward completion. The photos were taken by an Iron Range resident who privately traveled last week to the Crucible Foundry in Norman,Oklahoma. Upon arrival, she was able to join the Happy Trails (Forbes, Mn.) tour group who were brought through the foundry and given a talk by the IRVM sculptor, Gareth Andrews, Zim, Mn. The "Shoulder to Shoulder" bronze is being assembled at the foundry to check how the 160 pieces fit together. It will then be in three segments that will be picked up in May by the New Mexico National Guard and transported to Virginia, Mn. for permanent assemblage. A foundry staff will accompany the bronze and spend three or four days straightening, grinding, polishing and heating for correct patina. The IRVM committee is planning a dedication ceremony for May 29, 2010 that is open to the public.

Book Lover's Tea Announced

Hello Quad City Journal Readers from contributor Jennifer:

We've seen great progress with the FRIENDS of the Virginia Public Library!
Last week's Brown Bag Lunch on Maintain Your Brain was a great success with 27 attendees! Thanks for your help spreading the announcement!

Thursday, March 11, Book Lover's Tea, Library Auditorium
Spend an enjoyable hour talking about everyone's favorite subject--reading! We will talk about new ways to find great reads and you can:
-Share your favorite reads,
-Learn about new online resources,
-Sign up to receive a list of suggested reads,
-Enjoy tea with a few goodies on the side, and
-Win a book lover's door prize.
* Bring your lunch and enjoy tea time treats provided by the Friends of the Virginia Public Library.
* Call (218)748-7525 for more information.

Ambassadors: Please forward, print and post the flyer, as appropriate!
The FRIENDS help set up for the Brown Bag events and help host/hostess by welcoming attendees and keeping an eye on the refreshments table. If you're planning to attend and would be willing to be a host, please let us know!
Other volunteer opportunities: Volunteer Coordinator, Membership Coordinator, Website creator (Wordpress), Summer Reading Program Craft Coordinators, and more!

The next meeting of the FRIENDS will be Tuesday, March 23 at 4:00 p.m. in the Library Auditorium.
Come join us as we finalize the FRIENDS strategic plan and make plans for National Library Week in April and the Summer Reading Program! (Let us know if you'd like to receive a copy of the plan.)

March 25: Introduction to Fly Fishing and Tying, Library Auditorium
Come learn about the sport of fly fishing! Local author Doug Nelson will discuss the basic equipment used in fly fishing and fly tying. There will be a fly tying demonstration and a film, "Fly Fishing for Brook Trout." Doug will answer your questions on the topics discussed as well as on outdoor writing. Learn a new way to catch your lunch!
Brown Bag Gardening Series, April 8th, 15th & 22nd
National Library Week, April 10 – April 17
April 12th, One Book, One Community Book Discussion: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, Barbara Kingsolver

Visit the Library Calendar for a complete list of upcoming events at the library!

--Jennifer Armstrong
FRIENDS of the Virginia Public Library

Libraries and literacy are essential!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Range of the Arts 7th Annual Event

It's time for the Seventh Annual
Range of the Arts
Buy your passport today to get into all the events free!
2010 Events include:
Saturday February 27th
* Arts International Market10am - 2pm
Kaleva Hall Art, music, demonstrations and
hands-on projects, door prizes and more!
* Guitar Workshop with Greg Herriges 2:30pm at The First Stage
* Telluric Currents trio 7:00pm at Kaleva Hall
concert of world fusion music
Sunday February 28th
* Chamber Ensemble of
Minnesota 2:20pm at Messiah Lutheran Church
Monday March 1st
* Words and Lyrics featuring Ray Nargis 6:30pm at
The First Stage
Monday March 1st - Friday March 5th
* Arts-101 introduction to 5 different art projects noon - 1:30 at The First Stage
Thursday March 4th - Saturday March 6th
* Brownbag Art Exhibit at The First Stage featuring
Chris Koivisto 11am - 3pm at The First Stage
Artist reception on Thursday at 6:30pm
Friday March 5th at 7pm and Sunday March 7th at 2:30pm
* Small Parts Players Children's Theatre Company
presentation of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
at The Upper Room 516-1/2 Chestnut Street.

Sponsored by the Lyric Center for the Arts
with help through a grant from Iron Range Resources

Lyric Center for the Arts
The First Stage gallery and performance venue
P.O. Box 416
Virginia, MN 55792
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Friday, February 26, 2010

Sand Lake Shuffle 19th Year Begins

It's time to begin planning for another successful local cancer fund raising event! This year's Sand Lake Shuffle (Sand Lake, Voyageur's Resort) Old Highay 53, Britt By Pass is scheduled for August 13/14. Last year, despite the economic problems, the Shuffle raised $48,400 that was disbursed to the CarePartners committee(provides money locally to those stricken with cancer and their families, The Liz Prebich Breast Cancer Center, Virginia, Mn., St. Mary's Breast Center, Duluth and St. Luke's Whiteside Research, Duluth for cancer research and treatment. The SLS committee tries to be fair and to provide for our local people's needs. Planning has begun and we ask that readers consider a team to walk around the beautiful Sand Lake track or to purchase our delicious $6 spaghetti dinner. Donations are always welcome and family and business fund raisers are becoming more popular. It is not too early to start planning and some of our members began last night. Questions? Ideas? Suggestions? lundgren65@yahoo.com ask for Holly and come for a fun evening of music, pizza, spaghetti, and laughter on Aug. 13/14.

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Eagle Will Be Landing! IRVM Sculpture To Arrive May, 2010

The nine ton IRVM bronze, “Shoulder to Shoulder” is nearing completion and plans are underway for its transportation and installation. All 160 pieces of the 25’ by 16’ sculpture have been cast at the Crucible Foundry, Norman, Oklahoma (www.cruciblellc.com) and renown artist/sculptor Gareth Andrews (www.oxbowart.com) will make one of his last trips to do finishing work through the generous offer of Happy Trails Tours, Forbes. The tour bus is heading to Texas next week for a winter getaway and Gareth will catch a ride to the foundry in time to give a tour and talk about the sculpture to local travelers. We are looking forward to reports and photos from the group.
Next Thurs., Feb. 25, on the 6:30 Duluth Channel 3 News, everyone can hear some of the latest about the project. The IRVM committee was interviewed earlier this week. Excitement is building as we near the arrival of the masterpiece. While the t.v. interview was underway, the IRVM committee members took some time to reflect and give brief comments about their involvement and dedication to the project. As the 2010 Olympic countries seek precious medals, the IRVM committee shares some “golden” memories about the Iron Range’s “bronze” arrival.
Jim Wilson just informed us that the Ely television station has shown an interest in the building and assemblage of the sculpture. They plan on making arrangements with the committee very soon. We thank them for their interest. Jim was in the Navy from 1963-67 and served on the U.S.S. Midway CVA 41 and the Hornet CVA 12. Since he also served in Vietnam, he knew people who were missing or killed and thinks of them often Because he was the past Commander for Disabled Vets for the state of Minnesota, he was asked to serve on the IRVM committee. He says, that, “The project has been a long time coming and I have been personally involved since the beginning because I think it’s a very important sculpture for the entire area.” Jim heard about the project initially by belonging to the many veterans organizations. He feels that area residents will really come to appreciate the sacrifices that all veterans have made once the park is completed. “It’s art that is needed in the area.”
Jim Pernu, our newest member of the committee, thinks the memorial is a great tribute to ALL veterans not only the Minnesota ones but also those throughout the state and beyond. “It is an honor and I am proud to be a member of this committee.” He wants to thank all who have shown support towards the memorial fund. Jim works along side Chuck Pottsmith on the paver purchase/installation area and he said, “I can’t say enough good about the fantastic job Chuck has done and I have learned a lot from him.”
Larry Cuffee has been with the project since the beginning. Larry says, “it has been an honor and a privilege to be involved in this beautiful memorial that will soon be erected. There have been a lot of ups and downs because of finances.” Because of many generous donations, especially by two particular individuals who gave the initial money, we were able to move forward with the project. He feels, “it was a gift from Heaven and without that generous donation, we probably might not be at this point right now.” The entire committee agrees with that comment.
Chuck Pottsmith says this project started out about ten years ago and he was, at that time, asked to make a drawing or concept. He did and the committee (during Dick Edstrom’s years) looked it over. In the meantime, however, an architectural firm was contacted and a more elaborate design emerged. “Initially, there were plans for fiberglass figures and a museum but various complications such as staffing for tourists changed the plans. The concept evolved and the bronze idea was accepted.” Chuck served in WWII in a milder capacity from 1943-46 and he joined the committee because he said, “ I wanted to honor those who served and sacrificed. This is my gesture at paying them back.” Chuck wants it said that this is his service to “all veterans” and he has been glad to do it.
Don Tekautz has belonged to the committee since its inception many years ago (at least a dozen years). He called Joe Begich and Mr. Begich said, “come to the IRRRB meeting tonight and you might be able to get $250,000.” As it turned out, the money had to be a grant match. The committee was determined to continue and eventually, was able to obtain the necessary match. “We arranged a meeting with the new commissioner and an agreement was made.” Don says, “I have always been interested in helping veterans.” Part of his feelings involve the fact that his brother, Robert, was a POW for nine months. He was captured in Italy and they walked from Italy to Mooseburg, Germany. Five Tekautz brothers served between WWII and the Korean War. In 1992, Don had the opportunity to visit the prisoner of war camp where his brother and others had been imprisoned.
Louise Grams, secretary, served in the Navy Hospital Corps. “In those days, if one couldn’t afford college, they looked for other opportunities.” She was too young to go on the MSTS (military ship transport). Louise chose to join the IRVM committee because “I wanted to be a part of it. I can’t wait for it to get here!” She invites everyone who listened to Louise on “Open Mike”, WHLB for 23 years, whether it was in the kitchen, on a tractor, in the garage or car, to now pick up a pen or go online (www.razoo.com or www.goodsearch.com) and make a donation to the IRVM project. “Now,” she says, “We need everyone who listened or called to contact us for our project.”
Richard Obidowski joined the IRVM because he was approached by another committee member after a newspaper article ran about his uncle, Pete, serving as a medic in Korea. Richard’s father and three uncles all served in WWII. Richard was visibly moved as he expressed that, “The project is something that needs to be done to honor all the fallen veterans and surviving veterans of all the wars we have been in.” The title of the sculpture is “Shoulder to Shoulder Even the Fallen Stand Tall” and that reflects Richard’s feelings.
Jim Lustig, treasurer, has been affiliated since the beginning and the reason he became involved because “Many of my relatives served in WWII, Korea and Vietnam.” Jim was born and raised around Cook. Both Jim and his brother served in the Korean War. He feels, “By recognizing those who served in the military and honoring them, it is what makes it possible for all of us to be here. If it wasn’t for them, we wouldn’t be able to be here doing this now. This is a way of honoring all of them.”
Jake Varoga is the chaplain of all the veterans organizations in Virginia except for 40/8. He says, “It is an honor and privilege to serve on the committee and I will never forget the experience and work done by many.” As we near the closure and completion of the monument, he suggests that if anyone wants a way to honor all of our veterans, they might consider a donation.
Tom Berrigan, chairman, says that the concept of a veterans memorial has been in his thoughts for a long time. He was a Marine in Vietnam 1967-74 where he saw many 18/19 year olds get killed. “Forty some years later, sometimes it seems like they have been forgotten by the general public.” He did two tours in Vietnam in 67, 68, 69. He said, “I thought it important that we have something large, tangible and beautiful to look at to honor their memories.” He says, “I am looking forward to the completion of the project and to get the huge bronze statue for the Iron Range. It has been such a long project that sometimes we wondered if it would ever happen. Now that the date is approaching, it will be a weight off of the entire committee.” The pressure, however, is still on until the final money is raised.
Charlene Luoma, vice chair, chose to join the committee because she hoped to assist through grant writing and fund raising. She has been a “cheerleader” for the group while capturing the history of the project through photos, scrapbooks, articles and the media. She was excited by the thought of being helpful in bringing a high caliber bronze to the Iron Range art community.The arts belong to everyone.She had members of her family serve and in honor of all who served, she wanted to pay a respectful tribute through the beautiful monument. She knew Gareth Andrews from other projects, was aware of his tremendous talent and hard work and proud to be on the committee. As a former public school teacher, she often told her students “Try to be a peacemaker but always respect the peacekeepers.” She is also proud that the eight figures represent both sexes and man ethnic groups besides all branches and the five major conflicts of the last century. It is an inclusive project in man ways. Following her retirement, the project became an extension of showing honor to those who served.
Gareth Andrews, sculptor, reminisced about when he and Byron Kesanen were finishing the “Sawyer” sculpture in the Rotary Park. Dick Edstrom and Floyd Jaros approached them about a veterans memorial. They set out what they hoped to incorporate and it was extensive and non discriminatory. They wanted everyone to be honored. Gareth’s father was a WWII Navy sailor with a college education. Consequently, he was given a desk job and Gareth thinks that might have influenced his interpretation. People have served in a wide variety of ways including the families and All Americans who have shown support for those who had to see actual “action”. “There are lines of supplies and bookwork needed to also ‘run a war’”. “ As many walls that we have breached, it was a total effort across the century to keep the peace. Everyone has a story to tell. The sculpture aimed for the common ground and the common man” in the part he/she has played. “With all the metal on the floor (of the foundry), things will come together quickly. I feel good about it.” Those are the encouraging words directly from the artist in keeping the faith that all will go as planned in the last stages of the sculpture. We wish him safe travels and the best of luck as he oversees the assemblage.
The New Mexico National Guard has volunteered transportation of the bronze from Norman, Oklahoma to Virginia City Central Park around May 17. Four foundry workers will be assembling, grinding, polishing, heating, straightening, working on the patina through 10-12 hour week days over three days. The IRVM committee is aiming for May 29 as a public welcome and acknowledgement for the extraordinary work by the artist, foundry, committee, donors, volunteers and anyone else who has shown support for the 11 year project. The hearts of the Iron Range people are in this monument and Memorial Park in addition to their money. It is a tribute to a grassroots effort by volunteer citizens in planning, constructing, handling finances responsibly and delivering a tangible monument honoring “All Who Served” and the accomplishments through collaboration and cooperation. It will stand forever as a reminder of these efforts.
We are, for the first time in over ten years, at a financial shortfall. Since the ownership of this beautiful bronze belongs to EVERYONE we seek your help. If you would like to purchase a brick Memorial Paver, please contact Chuck Pottsmith (741-8775) or Tom Berrigan (749-5362). If you would like to make a direct donation, please send it to IRVM Committee, Box 35, Virginia, Mn. 55792. Another new way to make an online donation is through (www.razoo.com Iron Range Veterans Memorial) or through (www.goodsearch.com Iron Range Veterans Memorial) also known as GiveMn.org. These are websites for non profits (your donations are all tax deductible). If you put the goodsearch logo in your tool bar and use it to search on the internet, we automatically receive $ as an organization. If you make any purchases from an extensive list of businesses (Best Buy, JC Penneys, Target, Office Max, Barnes and Noble to name just a few and many well known catalog businesses) we will be given a % of the purchase price from the business but you must be sure you list or tell them it is for the IRVM organization. A large amount of funds have been received for various non profits through this new method of giving. Please check on these to see if this is the method you would want to use and above all else, pass the phone numbers, box number and websites in this article along to your friends and relatives.
We are available for addressing clubs, service organizations, businesses etc. with recent updates on the project. The sparks are flying in the foundry and a fire is lit under the IRVM project. For all of us who have patiently waited, the wait will soon be over and we invite you all to enjoy “your park and monument” honoring THOSE WHO SERVED” and the miners who drew many tons of ore that as turned into the steel used for ships, vehicles, surgical instruments, ammunition, arms in the keeping of America and the freedoms we all enjoy. Please help us with the shortfall through donations, fund raisers, penny wars, collections, ideas, suggestions in each community as this public project belongs to everyone! (Photos courtesy of the Crucible Foundry, Norman, Oklahoma Feb. 19, 2010.)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Veterans on the Lake Need Assistance

Veterans on the Lake (non profit benefiting our veterans) could use our help in one of their many fund raisers. Veterans are housed, fed and taken on fishing expeditions on Lake Vermilion. Here's some of the upcoming events: February 6, 11-6 Fish Fry at the resort. It is part of the Ely Winter Festival celebration. $9 or you can eat for $8 with a festival pin. Children in the under 12 are less and under 4 are free.
A rib dinner was held at the Osseo/Maple Grove Legion Club from 5-8 n Jan. 30 as a fund raiser and the next one will be at New Richland Am. Legion on Friday Feb. 20, 5-8. Delicious ribs will be the featured part of the meal and they are good! On Feb. 27, 5-8, the rib dinner will again be on the menu at the Redwood Falls Am. Legion. from 5-8. On July 18, a scramble golf tournament will occur at the Black Bear Casino and more information will be given closer to the event. Look for more announcements about the Veterans on the Lake as plans are made.
Further questions about any of these upcoming events or how you might be of help to the organization? Call Dan at 1-800-777-7538.