Friday, March 13, 2009

Rural Voices Unconference - April 3-4 in Duluth

Registration is now open for the Minnesota Voices Online Unconference!

As part of its Rural Voices Initiative, the Blandin Foundation is working with E-Democracy.Org and other partners to host the Minnesota Voices Online Unconference, Friday, April 3rd and Saturday, April 4th, 2009 at the family-and-eco-friendly Inn on Lake Superior in Duluth.

The theme of the unconference is:

Minnesota Voices Online: Connecting rural Minnesotans with new media so every place can share its voice in the Internet age

Register now - Only $35 including Friday dinner

Registration is now open! - See registration site for details on discounted hotel rates while supplies last. After you register, add your name and links to this public list of Unconference people to introduce yourself.

What the heck is an unconference?

According to Wikipedia, an unconference is a “facilitated, participant-driven conference centered around a theme or purpose.”

The conference will start late afternoon on Friday, April 3rd with a reception then dinner (family friendly), and a fun evening opening session. Our exchange will continue through the day on Saturday with lots of opportunities for participant developed discussions and break-outs until the late afternoon when we conclude. While supplies last, rooms at the discount rate are available Saturday night if you want to make a weekend of it (see registration site for details).

Pre-Conference Online Networking
A new Minnesota Voices Online community of practice is now open for Minnesotans (and beyond) interested in using new media to tell the story of their community, their community of interest or of Minnesota (some examples we’ve found).

Pre-conference discussions:

» Multiple modes of communication
» Challenges getting people engaged
» New Media/Old Media

Please join the Minnesota Voices Online community for developing “un” context.

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