Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ely Greenstone Public Art Contest Announced

Art contest announced by Ely Greenstone, Ely Chamber of Commerce
The contest “Wildlife of the Land and Lakes - Creatures of the Wilderness World” challenges area artists to compete for $500 in prizes and draw attention to the arts in Ely.
With $1,500 in prize monies from the Ely Chamber of Commerce, the Ely Greenstone Public Art contest provides a unique opportunity with an enlarged focus. Artwork submitted may include two and/or three dimensional in any media. Entry applications are available at the Ely Echo or by email: thepub@elyecho.comand should be submitted by May 18 or brought to entry day on Saturday, May23 at Semers Park..
Judged on Best Use of Materials, Most Unusual and the Mayor’s Award, the winners each receive $500.
The size should be no larger than six feet and will be displayed throughout the Ely area, in or adjacent to public buildings and businesses. All of the items submitted will be auctioned off at the Juried Art Show with proceeds going to Ely Greenstone Public Art.
The donor artists will receive 20 percent of the auction sale price to offset their expenditure for materials.
Artwork will be received by Greenstone board members at Semers Park on Shagawa Lake in Ely from 9 a.m. to noon on May 23. Judging will take place at a later date.
Funds raised from the auction are used for furthering the arts in the Ely area.
For more information and to be placed on Greenstone’s artist list, send complete name, address, phone and email to: Ely Greenstone Public Art, 2647 Van Vac Road, Ely MN 55731 or email:
Many Iron Range artists displayed in the Greenstone shows last summer.

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