Friday, October 8, 2010

Murder at the Monster Bash!
A Mystery Dinner Theater production by the
Halloween!! Spooky!! Being in costume is no
excuse for the way we behave the other 364 days
of the year, and families can be the absolute
worst, even to the point of, well, you know. Our
holiday party will be at the Coates Hotel, Viking
Room, which will open at 6:00PM on both Friday
the 29th and Saturday the 30th. The curtain will
be at 6:30PM. Guests in costume (by our
definition) will be eligible for a special prize. All
decisions are final.
Dinner choices will be either Champagne Chicken, or a 6 ounce steak with 3 shrimp, please note
that all steaks will be prepared MEDIUM. Salad and desert complete the offering for each
night. Please fill out the order form information below, and call Pete at 741-5577 to reserve your
order, and then mail completed form and check, to LCA, P.O Box 416, Virginia, MN 55792. We
also accept Visa and Master Charge. Tickets must be ordered and paid for by Monday October
25. and will be held at the door. These events sell out early so DON’T DELAY!!
My name is________________________________________
Orders placed after October 25 will be $40.00 each.
I/we will be attending on:______Friday October 29 $35.00
______Saturday October 30 $35.00
There will be_____ in our party.
___ will have the steak
___ choose the Champagne Chicken.
Enclosed, please find check or cash totaling $_________. Checks should be made to the IRRRP.
Please charge $__________ to my credit card.
The card is a __________(Visa/MC) card. The number is_________________________.
Expiration date is__________. My phone number is___________________.
Order#________(Office use only)
Thanks for supporting the Iron Range Regional Repertory Players

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